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University of Minnesota Extension

Farm food safety workshops

Extension offers courses to help you stay up-to-date on important topics to protect your farm and your customers, and improve the safety and quality of your fresh produce. We partner with experienced farmer-trainers and other organizations to offer:

  • Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) training
  • Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule grower training

GAPs training

GAPs, or Good Agricultural Practices, are science-based, farm-level practices for keeping fresh produce safe. All farms are welcome to attend and learn more about GAPs and practices to improve the safety of fresh produce.

  • These half-day courses offer an in-depth look at GAPs on the farm.
  • Learn science-based best practices to help reduce risks of microbial contamination in fresh produce from pathogens such as Salmonella.
  • This course will help you prepare your food safety plan and pass a GAP audit if you seek one for your farm.
  • Strongly encouraged for all fresh produce farms.
  • Trainers include experienced farmers and Extension staff.
  • New this winter – all in-person GAPs workshops include a farmer/buyer networking session to connect local food buyers and producers.

When workshops are available, find upcoming GAPs training at the bottom of this page.

FSMA Produce Safety Rule grower training

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule requires that fully covered fruit and vegetable farms attend this training.

  • This full-day course meets the training requirements of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule for farms fully covered by the Rule (outlined in §112.22c of the Produce Safety Rule). 
  • Offered in conjunction with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) Produce Safety Program.
  • Led by Extension staff, experienced farmer trainers, and MDA staff. 
  • All growers interested in learning about produce safety, GAPs, and the FSMA Produce Safety Rule are encouraged to attend.
  • Learn more about the FSMA Produce Safety Rule.

Find and register for FSMA training on our site or the Minnesota Department of Agriculture site.

Advanced training and refreshers

Learn practical strategies to improve the food safety and product quality of your fruits and vegetables. If you attended farm food safety training in the past but want to sharpen your skills and learn more about specific topics, or want a refresher, attend our webinars and workshops led by UMN Extension educators, industry experts and experienced farmers.

Audience: Fruit and vegetable farmers interested in expanding their sales into wholesale markets, farmers who have attended GAPs or FSMA training and want refreshers, staff who work with fruit and vegetable farmers, farmers market vendors

We are offering a series of free "deep dive" webinars in early 2025. See the links below. Register for as many as you like.

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